WooThemes dihack dan data kartu kredit customer dicuri

Berita menggemparkan dari jagad maya… WOOTHEMES DIHACK!

Ceritanya begini.. beberapa pelanggan WooThemes melaporkan kalau kartu kredit mereka dilaporkan atas tuduhan penipuan, kejadiannya tepat setelah transaksi di web WooThemes.

Sepertinya data kartu kredit mereka sengaja direkam oleh hacker dan dicuri tepat setelah bertransaksi di web WooThemes. Belum diketahui jumlah pasti pelanggan yang terkeda dampak pencurian data ini – WooThemes Hacked.

Pihak WooThemes sejak kemarin malam memperbaiki sistem checkout di website mereka, dan mengantisipasinya dengan hanya menggunakan PayPal sebagai payment gateway.

WooThemes dihack

WooThemes diHack dan data kartu kredit customer dicuri

Sebenarnya kejadian ini sudah 3 hari lalu, tapi pihak WooThemes tidak memberitahu kepada publik karena mereka mungkin merasa bisa menangani ini secara “diam-diam” atau mungkin kasusnya hanya beberapa orang dan tidak serius. Padahal seharusnya berita ini menjadi berita umum (WooThemes Hacked) dan orang-orang bisa lebih mawas diri dan mengantisipasi agar tidak terjadi pada orang lain.

Salah satu pelanggan WooThemes, sebut saja namanya Thomas melaporkan hal ini kepada WooThemes. Kartu kredit dia baru, dan hanya digunakan untuk bertransaksi di WooThemes. Nggak lama setelah itu kartu kreditnya dipakai oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk memesan hotel di Paris. Wow!

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Berikut percakapan isi percakapannya:

WooThemes.com — 3 days ago there was a leak of credit card data, and they didn’t tell anyone. I’ve had over 10k in charges on the two cards I have on file with them. They haven’t told their customers to warn them. This news needs to be made public so people can protect themselves and I just want to prevent this from happening to anyone else.
Here was my correspondence with support.

Thomas * May 08 18:54 Two credit cards that I have used on your system has ended up with credit card fraud. One card was only used on this website. It was a brand new card. I have read online that your checkout is not secure. You have cost my business thousands of dollars and time I can never recover. I will be reporting your company to the credit companies for further investigation.

Hi Thomas, I’m very sorry to hear that your card has been used fraudulently! We have had a few reports today of similar issues from other customers. You should contact your CC company and cancel the cards and report the fraudulent transactions if you haven’t already done so. The common practice is that they will not charge you for the fraudulent transactions, and issue you a new card. We take this very seriously and we are investigating this with our hosting provider and security experts, along with our current payment gateway. We will let you know once we have more information on this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience! Regards, Magnus Jepson Co-Founder

The scammers who used my credit card information decided to book hotel rooms in Paris under their real names and use their personal email addresses. The hotel was nice enough to disclosed the booking information to me. facebook/ajibola.moshood.10

Sumber: http://www.poststat.us/woothemes-investigating-alleged-website-vulnerabilities/

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Jadi,, buat kamu yang memakai kartu kredit akhir-akhir ini untuk bertransaksi di WooThemes, ada baiknya kamu langsung mengecek ke bank penerbit kartu kreditmu apakah ada transaksi beberapa jam setelahnya. Kalau kamu rasa itu transaksi mencurigakan, lebih baik segera minta untuk dibatalkan.

Berita yang agak lumayan melegakan, untungnya ini tidak berdampak pada checkout di WooThemes menggunakan PayPal dan yang penting tidak ada pengaruhnya untuk plugun WooCommerce. Yah.. semoga!

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